For Presenters

Presenter Guidelines

Presenters are encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines that have been designed to assist you in preparing an effective presentation for ISCEE'18.

Duration of Presentation

Your presentation slot includes 10 minutes of oral presentation assisted by PowerPoint slides and 5 minutes of questions and answers hosted by the session Chairperson. Kindly note that the session Chairperson will be asked to strictly enforce the time limit on your presentation. It is recommended that you time your presentation to be one or two minutes shorter than the allocated time, to allow for the change-over time and introduction. For this, you may prepare roughly 10 slides, excluding the title and acknowledgement slides.

Preparation of Slides

Your slides should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint. Special attention must be paid to: the font size chosen (i.e. no smaller than 20 point), the choice of colour scheme for the background and text, avoiding text-heavy slides, avoiding injudicious use of object builds (animations) and slide transitions, and keeping your presentation as simple as possible to avoid hardware and software conflicts. Audio and video files cause the most problems, so avoid using them.

Uploading PowerPoint File

All presentations must run on Windows operating system. Your PowerPoint file must be uploaded to the notebook or desktop computer provided at the session room at least 30 minutes before the start of the session. Name your PowerPoint file with your name. You may use a USB media device such as a memory stick or external drive to upload your file. Presenters are not allowed to use their own laptops, so as to avoid possible technical glitches.

Reporting to the Chairperson

You should report to the session Chairperson at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. Introduce yourself and provide him/her with a brief biography of yourself (3 to 4 lines), which will be used for your introduction.

Presentation Schedules

Congratulations to authors whose papers have been accepted for podium presentation at ISCEE'18. The presentation schedules are given below. Kindly note that these schedules may be subject to change. Therefore, presenters are advised to refer to the printed schedules displayed during the symposium for any updates.

Please note that the downloadable PDF version of the schedules will be the version as of 29 November 2018. Any updates beyond this date will be displayed on the embedded schedules above.

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